#Carbonhacks No.4 – E-waste is a real CO2 problem.
There are simple things we can all do to reduce our personal and business impact.
There are six main categories of e-waste: lamps, small IT and telecom equipment, screen and monitors, temperature exchange equipment, large equipment, and small equipment.
What can we do?
- Be mindful of what you buy, how you use it, when you replace it and how you dispose of it
- Consider who you purchase from – take your business to companies that have gone to efforts to source their materials sustainably and have a clear process for the end of life of the product.
- Postpone upgrading your phone or other devices for as long as you can.
- Find opportunities for reuse: family, friends, charities.
- Repair rather than replace.
- Return the item to the manufacturer – you don’t know if you don’t ask.
- Dispose of used EEE correctly. Use a dedicated e-waste recycling facility: www.recyclenow.com