Luminelle – naming and brand launch
Danielle Jones is a leading dance artist and facilitator in the field of community dance, inclusive practice and dance for health and Parkinson’s. Danielle approached us to create a new name for her company and a cohesive brand strategy and identity which would unify her work and the individual programmes and projects she creates.
WHAT process:
- Immersion and discovery
– Understanding the company, people and culture
– Understanding what, why and who for
– Understanding who else is doing something similar – and identifying differentiators
– Understanding where the brand lives now and going forward
– Understanding the business strategy and aligning the vision with a brand strategy - Strategy – the creation of a brand compass incorporates essential ideas behind strategic positioning and company culture: encapsulating the purpose, vision, mission, audience, values, personality and goals. This serves as the foundation for successful brand-building, ensuring consistent messaging across all touch points.
- Naming
- Brand Identity concept development
- Brand Identity design
- Brandbook and brand asset creation
This is a huge responsibility, we take our time to get to know our clients and their business and then we embark on naming and concept strategy – a process we really enjoy and relish the challenge!
70% of common English words have already been trademarked as brand names.
Naming is a complex undertaking, with so many things to consider and take into account.
WHAT’s in a name?
• A name that works for a website, social media and business registration
• A name that is easy to pronounce and spell
• A name that works with your future growth as you diversify
• A name that is relevant
• A name that reflects your values
• A name that is memorable short and simple
• A name that sounds good to say
• A name which looks visually appealing
• A name that feels right and correctly reflects your ethos and strategy
Our approach
After working with Danielle and her team during an immersion and discovery phase, we identified this conceptual starting point: There is creative light in everyone.
Our brief was to devise an evocative name that represented Danielle and her work and sounded creative with a symbolic rather than literal meaning leaving room for interpretation and flexibility moving forward.
We felt that a synthesised name would work well, as it’s originality meant that the name is easier to trademark and find URLs for than other types of names.
We also wanted to reference Danielle’s involvement as the founder of this company by synthesising parts of her name. We presented three names and accompanying visual mood boards.
Luminelle was the winner!
Visual Identity
Typography is delicate and feminine with extensions to characters, with emphasis on the ‘e’ which references Danielle.
Radiating Circles form the visual motif. Built on a uniform grid, the circles can be layered on a common centre point to create a myriad of patterns, lock-ups and textures. A version was selected for the Luminelle master brandmark while other variants can be used for accompanying projects and programmes. Clear guidelines were created to guide designers when using these elements.
Using the same typestyle and iconography the projects/ programmes look like part of the family.
The colour palette is earthy and warm and represents light and shadow to work alongside the beautiful photography from Sarah Hibbert. The colour palette extends to incorporate options for future projects and programmes.
Brand guidelines were shared with the Luminelle design partners; the website and marketing material have been created externally and managed by Danielle Jones.
Photography created by: Sarah Hibbert
Find out more
We have greatly enjoyed working with Danielle, and her team and we are very much looking forward to following her journey. A brand experience is much more than a name and a visual identity – it is made up of what you say, how you communicate, and what people feel and take away from the experience. Over to you Danielle…