Prep for Adventure – New campaign for St Joseph’s College, Prep.

The new St Joseph’s College Prep School’s Open Day campaign introduces the idea that Prep is the start of the journey to a full education at St Jo’s.  It talks about the ‘whole child’ and developing beyond academia: The Social, Physical, Academic and Emotional development of a child. It is an opportunity to talk about the journey through the school from Prep to Sixth Form, while also highlighting the environments, facilities and values of the school.

Bespoke illustrations have been designed in-house. All characters originate from the full-stop diamond shape of their brand typeface. 
(You may remember the t-shirts we designed @dnip_threads based on the same principle.)

The graphic style is applied across marketing and event day collateral. Digital and print marketing supports the promotion of the Open Day. Brimming with personality this campaign represents the character and modern outlook of the Prep school.

The open day event will be full of exciting free activities and an opportunity to discover all about St Joseph’s Prep school. 

Prep for Adventure | Open Day | Thursday 3rd February
See St Jo’s website for more information